So here it is, the spookiest month of the year has returned. As we are approaching Halloween during a pandemic, our team have put together a creative list of exciting ideas to make your home stand out. We believe this will benefit our mental health and keep our inspirations high whilst working through the current situation.
1. Create A Blank Canvas
To start the process it is actually a great idea to un-decorate your home. This may sound crazy when we are trying to convince you to decorate, however, one of the best ways to create ideas is to explore what you have already.
Removing some household items like photos can leave lots more room for spooky decorations. It will also allow the previous items to become beloved again once they return. This will make your house feel like home again, not just a workplace (for some of us). It will also give you an opportunity to sort through your belongings and have a deep clean.
One creative way to make use of this tip is to put away some cushions and replace them with spooky ones. These can be homemade or brought. Click here for a tutorial on how to make your own cute and spooky cushions.
2. Make Exciting Pumpkins
It’s always fun to get creative with pumpkins! You can buy them from any supermarket or experience Halloween by helping out your local farms and picking out your favourite pumpkins from their patch. The perfect photo opportunity for your Instagram! It is also a great way to see the family at a distance whilst keeping in the festive spirit.
We feel that carving pumpkins is such a fun way to explore ideas and looks great with a candle on the doorstep. Although, this can become more exciting for adults if they would like to try it out their power tools, a great way to keep the dads interested! Another way of sprucing up pumpkins is to cover them in glitter, stickers, or paint your favourite patterns/characters onto them.
3. Get Festive With Flowers
Let’s not forget about how beautiful nature is! Most Halloween decorations look amazing combined with the fallen leaves of autumn, however, they can look even better paired with some homely flowers. There are many creative ways to achieve this, something as simple as putting a bunch of flowers into a pumpkin instead of a vase makes a big difference. Another interesting way to spruce up your everyday flowers is to add some Halloween characters into the bunch.
Flowers aren’t your usual go-to purchase for Halloween, although they are highly connected to the day of the dead festival which has risen to popularity within the recent years.
4. DIY Balloons
Here’s a quick, cheap, easy and effective trick to treat your home with exciting Halloween decorations. Once you have picked your colour scheme you should buy some balloons to complement it. After this take some felt tips and get creative. Drawing spooky faces and patterns onto balloons not only looks amazing but is also really fun. You can also use glitter, stickers, paper cut-outs and anything else you wish to create fantastic balloons with.
5. Recycle
This is arguably one of the most important and impressive ways to decorate your home for Halloween. Finding something at home that you barely use and giving it a new life is one of the most exciting ways to get creative, it will also allow your decorations to become incredibly unique. You can also ask neighbours and friends for spare decorations, odds are they could do with decluttering their homes too. One of the best ways to collect some interesting pieces is to make use of the charity shops, they need your spare cash and will most likely have something you never knew you needed.
Another way to do this is to stop throwing out the shopping packages and use them to make something spooky. It’s a great way to save on waste and puts you in a strong mindset to carry on recycling in the future.
6. Light Candles
Be authentic and use candles for some extra lighting. There is no spookier feeling than the flickering flame of a beautifully scented candle. They are always associated with Halloween, in all of your favourite movies and can make a huge difference to the effect your decorations make.
An amazing way to get creative and spruce up your candles is to cut some lace and wrap it around the jar/pot. You can also create some fantastic table centrepieces that give your coffee table a freaky but homely feel. Using candles inside your pumpkins and spooky lanterns is a must when it comes to decorating for the spooky event.
Please be careful and use safety measures when using candles for decor.
7. Use More Lights
Lights are one of the best ways to brighten up your home. As all hallows eve approaches, people and children are getting really excited to see the streets lit up with festive decorations. One of the best things about using lights is knowing that they are safer than candles. Although, they can be paired with candles to create an all-round and impressive effect. String lights come in all shapes and sizes these days, some are your favourite spooky characters and some can be really effective as they contain elements of autumn and Halloween.
8. Use Your Windows
The perfect window of opportunity! Your windows are the best way to showcase some fantastic decorations. The way lights surround the edges and reflect on the glass is fascinating. Especially if you have some freaky ornaments/decorations placed in the middle. Some decorations are designed for your windows, there are window sheets with some of the scariest characters you’ve ever seen, along with stickers, sprays and stencils. A great way to make use of this trick is to get creative and make your own stencils.
9. Get Inspired By Your Favourite Movies & TV Shows
Some people aren’t interested in the usual Halloween decor, the best way to avoid becoming bored with your home at Halloween is to combine it your favourite TV memories. It’s a great way to make your decorations more unique and personal. This can be inspired by your favourite Disney movie or something a lot scarier. Anything you are passionate about can be included in your decorations.
10. Tricks And Treats
Finally, the most exciting thing about decorating your home is filling it with festive treats for you and your family to enjoy. You can bake some incredibly spooky and tasty snacks full of your favourite flavours. It can also be a chance to explore a new hobby or show off your skills in the kitchen. In our opinion, it is one of the best family traditions there is! It’s the season for pumpkin spice and toffee apples, let’s use these flavours to create something delicious!
Here’s a list of a few great shops to purchase cheap and cheerful decorations:
Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, The Range, B&M, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Aldi