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    5 Questions to ask yourself before starting a Branding Project


    Branding   |   Design

    Before embarking on a new branding project it is important to ask yourself the right questions. By doing this you will ensure a clear and defined, desired outcome. But most importantly this will help improve the final result of the project.

    1. Is there a deadline, or desired timeline required for the branding project?

    It is important to communicate any required deadlines with the designer at the beginning of the project. Whether this is a product launch or a restaurant opening, any deadline requirements should be realistic.

    2. What does your business/product offer/do?

    It is vital to have a transparent and concise description of exactly what it is your business offers/product does.

    3. Who is your target audience?

    A defined target audience means any branding can be tailored to appeal to the appropriate audience.

    4. Who are your competitors? What makes your business/product different?

    It is important for the designer to be aware of any competitors, to ensure the branding for your business/product stands apart from theirs.

    5. Is there an idea or concept behind the business/product name?

    A concept or unique story behind the business name could potentially become a vital part of the branding.


    If you’re looking to start a branding project, or are thinking of re-branding your business or product then don’t hesitate to get in contact to arrange a chat to see how we can help you and your business.

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    Whatever the size of the project we're happy to help. From branding your start-up, refreshing your existing identity to creating a new website. Fill in your details below and we will be in touch.

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