Agency Favourite Finds | Extinction Rebellion
The designs behind the movement
Extinction Rebellion is a movement that has captured all of the world’s attention, including the design world!
Design and art are at the heart of this non-violent climate change group who rely on bold and striking graphics to showcase their beliefs. Graphic Designers Charlie Waterhouse and Clive Russell are the creators behind the visual graphic identity used throughout the movement, focusing on simple and consistent aesthetics to ensure that they are easily recognisable, and they definitely are!
Charlie Waterhouse and Clive Russell were influenced by designs used in the Paris riots of May 1968 which utilised simple and iconic posters that appeared all over the city. The designers have also taken inspiration from artist Eduardo Paolozzi for his use of vivid colours. Read more about their creative influences here.
As an agency this movement has captured our creative attention. Usually these kind of movements focus on greens and nature which don’t stand out. By implementing a creative spin on this movement, Extinction Rebellion is taking the world by storm and are recognisable wherever they go!