This Remembrance Day, here at The Agency we will reflect on the service of our armed forces and remember all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our communities.
THE #WalkingHomeForChristmas CAMPAIGN
The pandemic has created a new battlefield this year for ex-military already struggling and socially isolated due to poor mental health.
The #WalkingHomeForChristmas Campaign encourages everyone to get out, embrace the spirit of Christmas and serve those who served us.
On 10th December former marine Tom Knight, reservist Scott Briggs and Agency friend, Joel Oxberry will challenge themselves to walk 20km around Greater Manchester holding a 20kg kettlebell in their hands. This 20kg weight represents the burden of mental health.
They aim to raise £1,000 to fund a full course of 1-2-1 online mental health therapy sessions to assist an ex-service person back to their feet.
They would love you to get involved and sign up TODAY!
Signing up for #WalkingHomeForChristmas is easy and free – just log on to WalkingHomeForChristmas and register for your fundraising pack, Santa hat and facemask or you can donate like The Agency did to Joel’s fundraising page (whatever you feel you can, no pressure).
Walking With The Wounded is a charity established to support disadvantaged veterans who have served in the Armed Forces and their families, empowering them to regain their independence, thrive and contribute in our communities.
Almost one in five adults (19.2%) were likely to be experiencing some form of depression during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in June 2020; this had almost doubled from around 1 in 10 (9.7%) before the pandemic (July 2019 to March 2020). Feeling stressed or anxious was the most common way adults experiencing some form of depression felt their wellbeing was being affected, with 84.9% stating this. (Source: Coronavirus and depression in adults, Great Britain. Office for National Statistics, June 2020.)
It should always be a priority to look after your mental health and wellbeing but during these challenging times, where we are spending the majority of our days indoors, it’s more important than ever. The Agency Creative did some tips on keeping well and looking after your mental health during the first lockdown and we feel they are just as relevant for #Lockdown2!
Mental health charity Mind has put together helpful advice and guidance on taking care of your mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic. You can take a look here.